Free Privacy Policy Generator for Blogger
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How to Use Privacy Policy Generator for Blogger:
Step 1: Visit official website of and click on "Privacy Policy Generator for Blogger" tool from top menu bar.
Step 2: Now, enter your blogger or wordpress website's name and url.
Step 3: Next, click on "Generate Privacy Policy".
Step 4: Now review the generated privacy policy from the below preview panel.
Step 5: If satisfied, Click "Copy HTML Code" button and paste the html script to your blogger or wordpress website.
What happens if a website doesn't have a privacy policy?
Privacy Policy is mandatory to each website specially which are going to get Adsense approval.
If your website doesn't have privacy policy, your website doesn't follow any rules and legal responsibility of users data and privacy. Users may loose their privacy details on your website.
Google Adsense Program Policy Team strictly check your privacy policy. If your website doesn't meet the policy requirements, website will be failed to get Adsense approval.
Recommended Tool for You:
Privacy Policy Page Generator by WebToolUSA website is a free tool that generates privacy policy by following the Adsense program policies. You can generate your website's privacy policy page by entering some common details. So, generate your website's privacy policy page, review and paste it in your website.