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Earn Money from YoFan Social Media |
How to Earn Money from YoFan?
Now a days earning money from Yo.fan is super easy. Just connect your AdSense account with your YoFan account, get approval, and start earning.
Why is YoFan earning super easy? Let me explain. YoFan platform works the same as social media platform, and you can share your YoFan page directly to your social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, etc.). That means the more followers you have on your social media, the more you will earn from YoFan.
Table of Contents
The best feature of YoFan is the payment option. It can be monetized with Google AdSense directly, which means you will receive your payments directly in your bank account from Google AdSense.
Now you are thinking about how difficult it will be to get an AdSense account and approval process. Don't think about AdSense approval; in this article I will let you know how to create a YoFan account, how to connect with AdSense, and how you will get AdSense approval easily.
So let's start.
What is YoFan?
YoFan is a social media platform that allows users to earn money from their posts.
With YoFan, users can earn from their passion. Same as other social media platforms, just create interesting posts, gather users, and make your followers and YoFan base. But the special feature is you can monetize with Google AdSense. That means the more followers you have, the more money you will make from AdSense.
Best features of YoFan:
1. Social media platform:
YoFan is a social media platform, and you will get all the features of a social media platform, such as posting contents, sharing, and gathering followers. Upload unique and interesting photos and videos to engage new followers.
2. Unlimited followers:
YoFan has the potential to get unlimited followers because it is a new social media platform and allows to monetize pages. Users will follow your pages, and you will earn money from it.
3. Unlimited traffic sources:
YoFan social media has unlimited traffic sources for your pages. It allows you to share your pages with your existing social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, etc. That means the more followers you have recently in your existing social media channels, the more you can share your YoFan page with existing social media channels and get unlimited traffic from your existing social media platform.
4. Monetize profile:
YoFan is the most popular social media channel that allows you to monetize your profile with AdSense. Now you can earn money from your social media. It is quite impressive, but it is real. You can generate unlimited money from your YoFan page. Monetization and earning with YoFan are super easy.
5. Easy payment process:
YoFan allows users to monetize pages with AdSense. AdSense is a trusted advertising platform of Google, and it transfers your money directly into your bank account. Earn unlimited with Google AdSense from the YoFan social media platform.
How to use YoFan?
You can use the YoFan social media platform by following the few steps. The first step you need to do is create your profile before using YoFan. You can create your YoFan account using your Google account or Facebook account. After signing up, create a profile URL and continue. It is as simple as using Facebook and Instagram. So follow the below steps to create an account and start monetization with AdSense.
Create YoFan Profile:
Step 1: Visit the official website of YoFan on your web browser.
Step 2: Scroll down and click on “Get Started”.
Step 3: Now enter “Nickname” as your choice and niche.
Step 4: Now click “Continue with Google” or “Continue with Facebook” to create your YoFan profile.
Step 5: Congratulations! Your YoFan profile has been created successfully. You can add a description of your page and select the topic of your profile.
Create New Post:
Step 1: Login to your YoFan profile with a Google account or Facebook account.
Step 2: Now click on the “+” button from the profile home page.
Step 3: Click on “New Post" and upload an image from your gallery to create a new post on your profile.
Create New Link:
Step 1: Login to your YoFan profile with a Google account or Facebook account. Skip if you are already logged in.
Step 2: Now click on the “+” button from the profile home page.
Step 3: Click on “New Link" and paste your website URL and save to publish your link on YoFan.
How to get views on YoFan?
You can get YoFan views easily if you are already using other social media platforms. The best feature of YoFan is that you can share posts to your existing social media platform. You can get unlimited followers from Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, etc.
To get views on your fan, publish contents regularly on your YoFan profile and share the link on Telegram, Facebook, and Instagram. Ask your followers from Facebook and other social media platforms to follow your new YoFan profile.
Create interesting and unique contents in your profile and don't post the same on other social media platforms; instead, you share YoFan post links on other social media platforms. This process will encourage users to follow your new profile to get unique and interesting contents.
And last point: whenever you post your content, ask your followers to follow your new profile. When you ask to follow your profile, they will support you and follow your new profile.
What is the criteria for monetizing YoFan?
To start earning with YoFan, you need to get AdSense approval first and to get AdSense approval, you need to complete some criteria of YoFan profile.
Now we will discuss, what are the criteria for monetizing YoFan. Also, I will provide some pro-tips to complete the criteria very easily.
Criteria for monetizing YoFan:
To monetize, you need to meet the following 4 conditions.
1. Verify your email
The first and basic criteria is verifying your email account. Your account will be by default verified. In an addition, you can add your phone number.
2. Upload the minimal amount of posts
Second and important criteria is upload the minimal number of posts on your YoFan profile.
You need minimum 30 posts in your YoFan profile.
Pro-tips: To complete this criteria, post regularly on your profile. Don't skip a single day. Regular uploading may improve monetization approval.
3. Get the minimal amount of views
Third and another important YoFan monetization criteria is get minimal amount of views.
You must need 10000 views on your YoFan profile to get monetization approval.
Pro-tips: Getting 10000 views will be easy for you, just create interesting posts and share the post links on your existing social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Telegram etc. Don't repost the same on other social media platforms. Instead of repost, share your YoFan post links.
Also, ask users to follow your profile.
4. Pass a content quality check
Final criteria is ass a content quality check. If you want to pass in content quality check, you must follow the above criteria properly.
To pass on content quality check, you should not post any contents that are against YoFan program policies.
Always create unique and interesting contents that engage more users.
Don't copy contents from other sources.
Avoid posts against YoFan program policies.
You will get monetization approval easily if you complete the above mentioned criteria. Don't stop posting contents and sharing them on social media.
However, currently there is no criteria mentioned on YoFan setting. But still you have to follow the above criteria. Otherwise you will not get monetization approval.
How to connect YoFan with Google AdSense?
You can connect YoFan profile with Google AdSense and earn money. To start earning, you need to connect with AdSense, fulfill AdSense approval criteria and get approval. As soon as you will get approval from AdSense you will start earning revenue from ads showing on your profile.
Follow the below steps to connect YoFan profile with Google AdSense.
Step 1. Login on your profile. If already logged in skip this step.
Step 2. Click on right side 3 bar button.
Step 3. Click on "Setting".
Step 4. Now you will show a notice to connect with AdSense. If not visible for you please refresh setting page again from your web browser.
Step 5. Now click on connect to AdSense. Keep in mind that YoFan profile and AdSense account must be on the same Google account.
Step 6. After connecting with AdSense your profile will be under review process.
Step 7. If you full filled the adsense requirement criteria you will get approval easily. Generally approval process takes few days but in certain condition it may take up to 2 to 4 weeks.
Step 8. After completion of review process you will get email from AdSense.
Step 9. If you get approval then you can start earning by turning on ads.
Step 10. If you get rejection from AdSense then post regularly get more followers and share post links on social media and try again after 15 days later.
How to get YoFan AdSense approval?
Getting AdSense approval on YoFan page is easy compared to other platforms. You have to be consistent and organized on YoFan profile. You can earn from AdSense, when you will have enough followers on your profile and will have enough posts on your profile.
If there is no opportunity to show ads on your profile, AdSense will not give approval on your profile. To get AdSense approval easily follow the below steps:
1. Be active and consistent on your YoFan profile. Post regularly, share links on other social media platforms and ask users to follow your profile.
2. You must have only one AdSense account on your name and address. If have multiple AdSense account, you will not AdSense approval.
3. Your age must be over 18 years old. If you below 18 years, you cannot apply for AdSense and you will not get AdSense approval.
4. Do not do any unusual activities such as ask someone to visit your profile repeatedly, avoid viewing own profile, fake followers etc.
5. Make sure that, your YoFan profile is connected with AdSense account. If your profile not connected, you will not get AdSense approval. To get AdSense approval, your profile must be connected with AdSense account.
How to make money with YoFan?
To make money from YoFan, you must have enough content, followers and active traffic. Also, you must a AdSense account.
Your earn is depends on your user. The more user and traffic you have, the more earning potential you have. So, focus on getting followers and traffic instead of earning money at initial stage.
If don't have traffic, followers and posts, will not get AdSense approval and will not be able to earn money from YoFan.
Be active, post regularly, share links on other social media. Engage more followers on your profile. Each posts, must have enough views. Atleast 1000 views on each post is mandatory.
Next part is AdSense account and approval. You cannot start earning without AdSense. So, connect to AdSense, get approval and start earning.
Your profile must follow the AdSense program policies.
Is YoFan real or fake?
YoFan is real. Profile owners are getting payment directly on AdSense. Adsense is Google’s advertising platform. Now you can trust YoFan because Google will not allow approval to fake websites and social medias.
You can earn real money from YoFan profile. Follow above mentioned tips to start earning.
YoFan is verified partner of Google. Check here.
You can trust YoFan social media platform and can start earning from it. It is easy method to start earning from AdSense account.
How much can you earn from YoFan?
You can earn unlimited money from YoFan profile.
Your earning is depending on your followers. If you have enough followers on YoFan, facebook, Instagram, telegram etc. you will earn huge amount of money from YoFan.
As per the YoFan platform, if you have 6,067,000 Instagram followers,
2,605,000 facebook friends,
4,487,000 YouTube subscribers and 7,613,000 Tictoc followers,
Your potential annual earning is $6,639,437 (If most visitors from North America)
That means, YoFan has high earning potential if you have enough followers. Start building followers and start earning with YoFan profile.
We have completed the discussion about how to earn money from YoFan. We have discussed how to use YoFan, how to get views on YoFan profile, how to connect YoFan with AdSense and how to earn money from YoFan.
I hope, you got answers of all your doubts. So start earning with YoFan profile and build your own followers.
Currently, YoFan has a great potential to start earning with AdSense. Just focus on building followers and get stable traffic on your profile. Always be active on social media to earn money from YoFan. Whatever social media platforms are you using doesn't matter, you can earn money with YoFan by using every sources of your social media follower base.